Louis M. Pulner
Bar Affiliation
Family Court Inns of Court - Barrister, 1997 - Present
Family Court Bench Committee, 1989 - Present
Federal Court, District of Rhode Island, Admitted 1983
Rhode Island Bar, Admitted 1983
Professional History
Sole Practitioner: 1989 - Present
Concentration in litigation areas of Family Law, Superior, District and Supreme Courts
Town of Bristol, RI: 2012 - Present
Town of Barrington, RI: 1989 - Present
Lipsey & Skolnik, Inc: 1987 - 1989
Rhode Island Department of Attorney General: 1983 - 1987
Additional Experience & Achievements
WPRI TV - Channel 12 and WPRO 630 Radio, 1996 - Present
On-air legal expert/analyst, covering legal matters of state and national import
Boards & Committees
Rhode Island Legal Services: 2008 - Present
Commission of Judicial Tenure & Discipline: 2001 - 2007
Judicial Performance Evaluation Committee: 2-year term
Pro Bono Publico Award
Recipient of Rhode Island Bar Association award for outstanding public service through the Rhode Island Volunteer Lawyer Program
Continuing Services Award, 2004
Recipient of award for steadfast and distinguished services for the Rhode Island Bar Association Volunteer Lawyer Program
Suffolk University Law School, Boston, MA, J.D., 1983
Providence College, Providence, RI, B.S., 1979